Q: What's the best way for a Virtual Assistant to use sku grid and eBay accounts?


Please see instructions for setting up VA access to Sku Grid -->> How to Enable Virtual Assistant (VA) Access in Sku Grid, CLICK HERE

As far as how best to proceed, that really depends on if it is okay for the VA to have access to your eBay account or not.  

Option A (File Exchange Sync Chrome Extension + Remote Chrome): If you prefer that they do have access to your eBay account, then it's fine to continue with Sku Grid + the File Exchange Sync Chrome Extension.  You can set the VA up for VA access using the instructions provided above.  Provide the VA with the Remote Chrome login credentials. 

They would be able to view your sku grid info from their VA sku grid account.  They'd log into Remote Chrome and can manage your listings there if you prefer. However, to continue using the extension, the extension requires that you stay logged into eBay file exchange. This means that at any time, the VA can pull up your eBay account while working in remote chrome. If that is okay with you then that setup is fine.

Option B (File Exchange Authentication Tokens): If you prefer for the VA not to have access to your eBay account, we'd advise that you discontinue using the extension and change your sku grid and/or sku fetch set up to use file exchange via authentication token.  Instructions here -->> How to List, Track and Reprice Your eBay Items Without API and Without the Chrome Extension Using File Exchange Authorization Tokens, CLICK HERE

You'd still have the VA set up with a VA sku grid account, but they would not need to access your eBay account directly. They also wouldn't have to log into remote chrome although the private IP from remote chrome will be used by sku grid to send and receive data with file exchange. The computer also would not have to be left running for repricing to occur.