Q: How to reconnect my eCom Syndicator?

A: Have you recently changed your password or username on eBay? If so, then your keys become invalid and eCom Syndicator cannot pull in your items.  So the communication is broken... Therefore, the changes are not made on eBay, and you'll need to reconnect.

If you have changed your username or password on eBay, please log into your eCom Syndicator account and click on Settings.  Then click the pencil icon next to the eBay (US) channel that you've created.  Click the Disconnect button.  Then when it changes, click Connect and go through the process to authorize the app again and get new keys.  Then Save settings once done.  

Then again in your settings in ecom syndicator, on the eBay (US) channel that you've created, click the force sync button, it looks like 2 arrows in a circle (or like a refresh button).  That should allow eCom Syndicator to then pull in whatever items are missing.  Give it some time and then check to see if the item numbers referenced start appearing in the account.  Once they have appeared, We'd recommend going to your sku grid account and clicking on Batch Options --> Force All to Update to push all items through to be updated.