Q: Why I received this error in Sku Fetch: Was not able to parse item Store returned price of 0?

A: This error usually is when you are trying to retrieve an item from Amazon, i.e. when Amazon is the source you can configure the supplier price/stock you would like for your item by default in your sku fetch > Filter and Formatting settings. You have some options to choose from: Only FBA items, Only Prime, Buy Box items, etc.

This error is because you've set one amazon option but when sku fetch was retrieving the item information this option is not available for it. E.g. you have set lowest fulfilled (an option to retrieve only FBA items) but at the moment of listing the item, there is not FBA available, therefore, an error triggers.

So when that happens, price reads as 0 and stock = in stock.  

Sku Fetch won't let you list an item based on a 0 supplier price and sku grid itself, would have seen the item as OOS.