Q: Why am I getting this error messages when listing?
"Warning - Funds from your sales will be unavailable and show as pending in your PayPal account for a period of time. Learn more: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UserPolicyMessaging|http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UserPolicyMessaging||Error - Unregistered users or users who have not completed their registration can not complete this request.|Unregistered user or registration not confirmed.|Unregistered users or users who have not completed their registration can not complete this request.|USER_NOT_CONFIRMED|1005|"
A: The first part of the message “warning funds from your sales will be unavailable” is not an error, it’s just a notice and does not prevent items from posting. It means that either you are a new seller, this is a new eBay account, or an older account that has fallen below standard and eBay put you into their new sellers program. So eBay is instructing PayPal to hold the funds from your sales for 3 days after you provide tracking or up to 21 days if you do not provide tracking. This will continue to happen until you have sold 25 items, sold at least $250 in value, and it has been 90 days since the date of your first sale.