Q: Can I change my sku grid remote key?

A: Your Sku Grid Remote Key is not the same as eBay Keys or Amazon Keys. You wouldn't need to change your remote key so the option to generate it has been taken away from everyone.  Remote Keys are only used to connect Sku Grid to other software applications. They have no other function. 

If you are changing the eBay account used with Sku Grid, you may need to update details in whichever pricing option you're choosing to use or if you have not picked one already, you'll need to do so as Sku Grid does not connect directly to eBay API. Here's more information on the repricing options --> https://go.skugrid.com/sku-grid-ebay-repricing-options/ 

Note: If you have any items in the old account you can delete them from Sku Grid at this time and start adding your new items in.