Q: I received this on sku fetch item list: Enter eBay ID number? Why? The items are not on eBay therefore they have no eBay id numbers. 

A: As it does take some time for items to go through several different processes when listing with sku fetch and eBay file exchange, items used to show in a pending status but now it will say pending and enter eBay id.  The reason for that is that sometimes users will batch items and then after they have submitted the items, they disrupt the flow of communication between sku fetch, eBay file exchange and the chrome extension... and they shut the computer or browser down or happen to get logged out of eBay file exchange or eBay times them out. If any of these disruptions occur, before file exchange relays to the extension that the items have posted and the extension has a chance to update the eBay item list with this information, users pending items used to just go straight into a cancelled status. Now, we display enter eBay id so that if the items happened to have posted, but your communication between the software and eBay got disrupted, the user can enter their eBay item number there.  Then the status will change to listed and the item(s) will export to Sku Grid for tracking normally.

Assuming the communication between the software and eBay is not getting disrupted in any way, then you will see the items go from pending enter eBay id to either a listed or errored status whereas before it used to just say pending and pending_batch_listed then listed status. This is fine and normal. Just leave everything on and connected and remain logged into eBay.