Q: How can I connect Sku Grid to Selro?

A: You would need to obtain your API key information from Selro.  Once you have those credentials, you can log into your Sku Grid account and go to Settings --> Add Ons --> Selro.  You would enter your API credentials there.

There is a checkbox to Auto-create Items at Selro, if not Found.  You would check that box if you want an entry for your item to automatically be added to your Selro account if it does not already exist.

The 2nd checkbox is to Sync items from Selro that are not found in Sku Grid.  Check this box if you want items that you have in your Selro account to be imported into your Sku Grid account.

Then Save Settings.

Then go to your eBay Marketplace Settings in Sku Grid.

Settings --> Marketplaces --> eBay --> Country

And change the first option to Use the following 3rd party solution to reprice eBay to Selro. 

Then save settings.