Q: How to generate a new Remote API key?

A: Remote Keys are no longer able to be generated.  They are always there and remain in your account.  There wouldn't be a need to re-generate a remote key as it is only used to connect Sku Grid to other software applications. It is not used to connect to your selling marketplace. 

Sku Grid also is not directly connected to any eBay account as we do not connect to eBay API anymore.  So if you're switching eBay accounts for use in Sku Grid, you'd just need to remove the old items from your Sku Grid account, if you have not already done so, and the rest would depend on which repricing method you're using out of the options shown here - https://go.skugrid.com/sku-grid-ebay-repricing-options/  You'd have to configure the repricing method for the other account.