Q: Why my Supplier prices are higher than my Marketplace prices?

A: Be sure your items are not "paused" meaning Sku Grid is neither checking the supplier nor updating the item for price or stock changes at all. It's just sitting there and your item is at the same price that it was when you added it to sku grid. 

You can quickly find these items by first setting your grid to view at least 500 items per page.

Then Click on Filters -->>> from the 2nd drop down in the filters, choose "Checking & Updates at (AMAZON or eBay that) are Paused". 

This will display all of the "paused" items. 

You should look through them and if they have supplier URLs, you need to unpause them. Do that by clicking Multi-Item Actions --> Select All on Current Page --> Unpause Checking & Updates on Selected Items. 
Then you can force reprice them by going to Force Update Selected Items (which is also under Multi-Item Actions).

Moreover, be sure the items are not "reprice paused" -- meaning Sku Grid is checking the supplier information and updating the grid, but it is not updating your listings for price or stock changes.

You can view these items in the filter by selecting "Updates at (AMAZON or eBay that) are paused".

Then you can go through the same process to unpause them, but this time, you would do "Unpause Updates on Selected Items". Then force update them.