Q: Why am I getting this error message when listing? "Error - Your listing cannot contain javascript"

A: Sometimes chrome extensions inject code into your listing template while editing your template and/or listing descriptions.  So far, that we know of, there are 2 extensions that are known to do that... the main one is Grammarly and the other is Last Pass.  But since there are many, many possible chrome extensions out there and we don't know or have not tested them all, it would be hard to pinpoint unless you have your VA do the following.

1. Clear browser history, cookies, and cache
2. Open an Incognito Window in chrome (this disables all extensions -- unless you've chosen to allow certain extensions through incognito)
3. In the regular chrome window, right click on the blue File Exchange Sync Chrome Extension and choose Manage Extensions.  It should take them here -->> chrome://extensions/?id=elnfiicmkhlbjjnncehkaljbhbmgfnnp 
4. Scroll down and enable the "Allow in Incognito" option since they will at least need this extension to list --> See screenshot: https://jmp.sh/w3xyehd  
5. Go to the incognito window and log into Sku Grid.  Then log into Sku Fetch.
6. Attempt listing.  If the listing goes through, then it's definitely something they've got going on in their browser.  

From there, they could go back to the regular window and manage their extensions to disable them all and re-enable one. Then try listing an item.  If successful, they'd move on and enable the next extension and so on.  Then keep repeating the process until they find out which one is causing an issue.