Q: How to use the Skugrid API to get real-time inventory and sales data from Sku Grid?

A: Sku Grid's API can only be used to send data to Sku Grid and send data from it to an external application.  However, you can use Sku Runner (https://skurunner.com) to send data your price & stock data to other apps.  

Here is the API documentation for it - https://api.skurunner.com/doc/index.html 

Note: What is the difference between Sku Grid and Skurunner?  

Sku Grid cannot be used to send your current inventory info via API.  Sku Grid's API can only be used to send data to Sku Grid (i.e. if you were creating a listing tool, etc).

Sku Runner does not modify your listings, it is only used to send data to other applications by creating an easy integration for them.