Q: I am getting emails from eBay every 5 minutes saying that the requested sold items download report is now ready.

How do I turn this off or at least make it 1 day?

A: You can't really turn off email confirmations.  They do not give you an option to do so through file exchange. They require an email address to request your downloads and they automatically send notifications.  You're likely receiving these downloads very often perhaps because you have "Upload to Sku Grid Every" and/or "Upload Sales to Sku Grid" every set to a very frequent setting (i.e. 5 min or 10 min etc.) in your chrome extension settings.  You can increase those durations but expect delays for your items getting synchronized.

Outside of that, I would recommend that you either create a filter in your email to auto-filter out and delete/trash those confirmation emails or to use an email address in your chrome extension settings that you're not going to actually be looking at all of the time. Maybe you can create a 2nd email account just for this purpose.