Q: When listing, I am getting "ASIN not found" error message.


ASIN not found error would mean that when attempting to post the item to Amazon, Wise Lister could not find an exact match on Amazon based on the supplier title. 

For example, with supplier url  https://www.walmart.com/ip/196056299 If you take the supplier's title and search for it on Amazon, there is no exact match. Therefore, Wise Lister returns with an error to let you know.  See screenshot:

Our tools can only be used to append your offer to an existing ASIN. It does not create brand new listings from scratch on Amazon.  

If you were to have been listing the items as single item listings, then you would have the opportunity to enter a matching ASIN for the ASIN that you want to add your offer to in the event that Wise Lister cannot find a match.