Q: Why am I getting this error message? 

Error - This listing would cause you to exceed the number of items you can list. You can list up to 1 more item this month. Please consider reducing the quantity or request to list more: https://scgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UpgradeLimits&appId=0&refId=19 .|This listing would cause you to exceed the number of items (5) you can list.|This listing would cause you to exceed the number of items you can list. You can list up to 1 more item this month. Please consider reducing the quantity or request to list more: https://scgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UpgradeLimits&appId=0&refId=19 .|https://scgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UpgradeLimits&appId=0&refId=19|

This listing would cause you to exceed the number of items you can list. You can list up to 1 more item this month. Please consider reducing the quantity or request to list more.

A: This would be an actual error that is preventing items from posting.  This error message means that eBay has a selling limit on the account.  You can only have 5 listed items (despite having a certain amount of free insertion fees per month -- selling limits are a totally different thing).  This must mean that this is either a new account or an old account that has fallen below standard.  eBay will not let you list more than your selling limit -- there is a limit to both the # of items that you can have posted as well as the amount in dollars that you can have posted. The only thing you can do there is request to increase your selling limits as eBay is directing you to.  Please note these messages come from eBay and not Sku Fetch.  Sku Fetch just displays them to you.