Q: Why am I getting this warning message? "Warning - Funds from your sales will be unavailable and show as pending in your PayPal account for a period of time. Learn more: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UserPolicyMessaging|http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UserPolicyMessaging|"

A: This is not an error and does not prevent your item from posting.  It's a warning which is a notice from eBay.  They are letting you know that you're in the new seller program and they will be holding the funds from your sales for 3 days after you upload tracking or up to 21 days if you do not provide tracking. This will continue to happen until you have had 25 sales, sold $250 worth of products, and it's been 90 days since the date of your first sale.