Q: Why does Sku Grid display this error: "Error - Variation Specifics provided does not match with the variation specifics of the variations on the item?

A: When using the File Exchange to reprice (this mean file exchange, file exchange +Chrome extension, or Authentication token) this information is sent through a CSV. On a CSV file, double quotations and apostrophes (" and ') are used to delimit or separate strings of data. So using them within your variation names makes them then unrecognizable when changes get submitted to eBay file exchange.

The most recommended option to do with these types of variations is to set them in words.

For example, one has an item that has a size variation and it is set in inches like this: size: 18 ".
Instead of setting the variations as 18 " one can set it up as 18 in or 18 inches and update that information in Sku Grid so the variation can be repriced.