Q: Why is Sku Grid creating duplicates like parent[number] on eBay?


Please go to your eBay site preferences by logging into eBay and going to your name in the top left, click on Account Settings >> Site Preferences.  Expand the first option there for Selling Preferences.

There should be a Use Out of Stock Option checkbox.  Is that option checked? If not, please check it.

Make sure your listings are GTC "Good 'Til Canceled" as eBay only allows GTC listings for "buy it now" items.  They do not allow fixed duration listings (i.e. 30-day listings anymore).  And GTC will only allow items to be put OOS if you have the option checked to Use Out of Stock Control.  

If you have the Auto Relist option enabled in your sku grid marketplace settings. [Sku Grid >> Settings >> Marketplaces >> eBay >> Country]. You'll want to disable it.

Whenever Sku Grid would try to revise an item to a quantity of 0... eBay returned with the following error "Error - The quantity must be a valid number greater than 0."  This error only happens for 3 reasons:

  1. The listings are not GTC listings.
  2. The listings are GTC listings, but the user does not have the Use Out of Stock Control option turned on so eBay won't allow the item to revise.
  3. The listing is now a GTC listing but was previously a 30-day listing.  The user changed it to GTC on the eBay side.  Problem with this is eBay only allows the item to be revised how it was originally listed -- in this case like a 30-day listing and they are not allowed to be at a quantity of 0 (out of stock)... they're typically ended.

So, since the revisions to put the items to a quantity of 0 returned with an error -- Sku Grid thinks the listing was "ended". Since it thinks it was "ended", it then checks to see if you have the auto relist feature turned on... if you do, it relisted the item. Leading you to see the sku change to "parent_OLDITEMNUMBER".

Please note that if you're listing GTC listings and you have used out of stock control enabled in your eBay account, it would not be necessary to auto relist items.  GTC listings do not end until you end them manually.  They "renew" every month and are not "relisted" since they do not end.

Overall, this is likely an issue of not having use out of stock control enabled + having the auto relist option turned on.  Please make sure that use out of stock control is enabled in your eBay account and turned off the auto relist option now on your Sku Grid eBay marketplace settings.  That should resolve the issue.