Q: I am getting "Last Result Error" on my Chrome extension. How do I fix this?

A: This does not indicate an issue with the extension. It means one of 2 things:

1. You got signed out of eBay file exchange. If that is the case, you'll also see there Please sign into eBay with a link to file exchange for you to sign in.  Like this for example:

2. The extension sent changes to eBay File Exchange and some or all of your items resulted in an error on the ebay side.  Meaning, eBay did not process your changes.  If this is the case, you will also see "Error Logs" with a link for you to click to download those logs to review the errors from ebay file exchange. See screenshot for example:If you have error logs present, you should click the link to download the error log, review the issues and make any necessary changes.  Once you've reviewed it, click the Clear link right next to it so that it resets and will only show you errors since the last time you reviewed them.