Q: Is there a possible explanation about why my eBay listings are being cancelled?

A: Yes, it can be a number of things. But most commonly, it's due to some sort of disruption in connectivity between Sku fetch, chrome extension and ebay file exchange.  Some possible scenarios would be: 

1. eBay times you out of ebay file exchange without you knowing it
2. Your computer goes to sleep after you've submitted listings
3. You've shut down your browser after submitting listings
4. The entire computer is shut down after submitting listings
5. At other times, it could be having an invalid ebay username saved in the list & export settings and/or incorrect policy names -- in which case, ebay throws out the file exchange files and does not list items

But in general, if everything is not connected until everything receives either a listed or errored status, sku fetch would not be able to send the information to ebay file exchange and/or even if sent, it wouldn't know if the items posted or not. So the items would stay in either a pending status or eventually go to cancelled. If the items did in fact post, you can click "Enter ebay Item Number" and paste in the item id.  The status will change to listed and the items will export to sku grid normally. If the items did not post, then if you want that particular item listed, then you'd need to make sure that everything is connected and click the Visit File Exchange button on the extension to make sure that ebay doesn't need you to sign in again.  Then delete the item(s) from the item list and try them again.