Q: How to make sure chrome extension is working?


1. You'll need to remain logged into eBay file exchange which is a different sign on than regular eBay.  Simply click the Visit File Exchange button on your extension to be taken there to sign in.

2. You'll need to not have any type of computer, browser, or internet interruptions.  (i.e. - your VAs computer cannot go to sleep, should not get shut down, browser cannot get closed, and you have to remain signed into eBay file exchange as described above)

3. Frequency of uploads to ebay file exchange are going to depend largely on how often you have sku grid checking your supplier urls and also the frequency that you've set in your chrome extension settings.

There's not really a way to know as soon as eBay signs you out of file exchange, but if you click on the extension and see a Please Sign In link, it means the extension tried to send information but you were not signed in so the changes could not be submitted.  When this happens, you'll notice a link on your "Upload to eBay Now" button.  

In eBay File Exchange, the Uploaded File column shows the files that have been sent from sku grid, to the chrome extension, and ultimately to eBay.  That is how you can verify information that was sent and from what time/date.

There is another column for each entry in file exchange, called Load Results Report.  This will contain download links showing how eBay processed the files that were sent by sku grid.  These files will show you either success, failure, or warning statuses.  Warnings don't prevent items from revising/posting.  However, if you see failures, then that would indicate there's some sort of error.  There's a column on the CSV for Error Messages. You'd need to look at that and see what error message eBay is giving you and make any necessary adjustments to your listings before the changes can be made.  At which point, you could force reprice the item.  Your extension will also contain quick links just to "errors" received. You should click the error log and view it regularly. Once done reviewing. Click the Clear link to reset it so that the log only displays errors that have occurred since the last time you reviewed them.