Q: I have VERO protection enabled and still got restricted.

A: Sku Fetch and/or Wise Lister can protect against listing Vero items if properly configured and if the company/brand exists on eBay's published vero list. https://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/listing-and-marketing/verified-rights-owner-program.html#m17-1-tb3   However, please notice what eBay says on that page.  See screenshot: https://static.md/f5bfc01e79eb2d26f322159187749dc6.png 

As you can see, eBay does not publish a full or comprehensive list and not everyone that is a registered Vero participant contributes to the published list. They add to the list all of the time as well.

As such, it's not possible to protect 100% for any possible VERO violations as not every company/brand is named and new companies/brands are added all the time.

We go a step further, in that we allow our users to report vero violations to us within either Sku Fetch or Wise Lister, if they receive a violation, they can upload the information along with the violation documentation and we will verify and get those names/brands added to our database.

So in a sense, our VERO list is a bit more comprehensive than eBay's published list. 

However, still, if the company/brand does not exist on eBay's list and we haven't had any users report violations from those brands/companies, then there is no way that we can prevent you from listing that particular item (which may turn out to be VERO).