Q: How to avoid a reprice error when my item variation has special symbols like " or ' ?

A: The problem is the use of symbols in the variation names. The information is submitted to the eBay file exchange via CSV file. This is relevant if your eBay repricing option is:
  • File Exchange
  • File Exchange Sync Chrome Extension
  • File Exchange Auth Tokens

On a CSV, symbols such as " and ' are used as data delimiters (used to separate strings of data) so using them in your variation names throws things off and they become unrecognized. 

Please edit your listings on eBay and change the symbols in the eBay variation names to something like Inches or just In. Whatever change you make to them, be sure to edit the entries in Sku Grid and change the eBay Variation names as well to match. Once done, try force repricing the items.