Q: What does "stock data" refer to in the history tab of the product? Is the number shown on the graph the inventory at the supplier? 

A: Stock information on the history tab indicates whether or not the supplier was in stock or out of stock.

1 = In Stock
0 = Out of Stock

Sku Grid does not see individual quantities at the supplier. It only sees the stock as an on/off switch. Either the supplier has items available (even if it is only 1) or the supplier has no stock. So if an item is in stock - showing a 1 in the stock column, that means that the supplier had at least 1 of the item at the time it was scraped.  If it is 0, then the supplier had none in stock at that time.  For reference, please see this video on understanding the history -->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbRc3n9IFUY