Q: How can I share access to Skugrid's Support Portal?

A: 1. Provide us with the email address that the account owner has used for support tickets in the past and we can merge their support portal account with yours, that way both of you can see tickets submitted by either.  We'll have to set one of the email addresses as primary, (so let us know which one to do that with), but both of you would be able to see all of your tickets in one place.


2. You can give the account owner your support portal username and password and they can log in whenever they need to in order to view your tickets.


3. Have the account owner create an email account that you can use for support tickets and have them give you the login details to it.  Then write to us and ask for us to merge this support portal account with that one so that all tickets will be visible there.  That way you and your account owner both have the login info to the support portal account and can view the tickets at any time.