Q:  I import a CSV file in Sku Grid and doesn't show in my Amazon account.

A: Unfortunately, you're using Sku Grid in a way that it is not intended.  The items should be listed and active on your amazon account before adding them into Sku Grid for tracking and repricing (updating). 

The problem is that Amazon's data feed requires your Amazon Seller Sku in the feed in order to revise the items.  This is not a field in Sku Grid.  Sku Grid obtains the seller sku from requesting downloads of the Amazon listings through API. If the items are not published/active, then Sku Grid (in most cases), cannot get the Seller Sku.  Without the seller sku, Sku Grid also cannot send the revision to Amazon.

My suggestion would be for you to make your items active on Amazon, add them into Sku Grid for tracking and repricing and let Sku Grid handle it from there... or you can force update all items (using batch options)... but that will still be ineffective unless the Amazon items are activated first.