Q: How to add variation items to Sku Grid?

A: You can add items with variations on eBay listings to your Sku Grid account, but it depends on the repricing method you're using.  If you're using Woohosted, it does not support multi-variation items.  If you're doing the file exchange sync chrome extension, file exchange via authentication token, or eCom Syndicator -- they all support repricing multi-variation items -- however, the format for eCom Syndicator would need to be slightly different. 

For Chrome extension, you would create 2 entries in Sku Grid.  You'd add the supplier URL and supplier variation name (if applicable), select the selling marketplace, enter the eBay item number and in the eBay Variation box, type in the Variation Label|Variation Value  so if the item is labeled "Color" on eBay and the value for that variation is "Blue", it would look like this 


Then you would create a 2nd entry for the other variation with all of the same information except for the supplier url/variation would likely be different and your eBay variation would be different.

Note: If your listing has more than 1 variation that has to be selected before adding the item to cart (i.e. a Color and a Size), then you would separate pairs of variation labels and variation values with 2 asterisks **

Variation Label 1|Variation Value 1**Variation Label 2|Variation Value 2

For example:


Also note: It's often easiest to allow the chrome extension to import your active items into the grid, so you don't have to worry about getting the eBay variations wrong.  If you have the "also import new items into SG" option checked on the extension and click the Download from eBay Now button, it will request an active items CSV from eBay and add any missing items.  You can then edit them and add the supplier URL/variation name. 

You can leave that option checked if you're manually listing, but if using our listing tools, you can uncheck it as Sku fetch will send the items to Sku Grid for you as you list new ones.