You can now list multi variation listings with Sku Fetch & Wise Lister and have them exported automatically to Sku Grid for tracking and repricing. The processes outlined below can be used for both eBay and Bonanza Marketplaces at this time. 

Note: If you are listing multi-variation listings on eBay, you must use eCom Syndicator so that Sku Grid will be able to reprice/revise them correctly. If you're using any of the other repricing options for eBay, it will not work. You will also need to be sure to set a unique custom label (sku) for each variation on the eBay side after the items post (see video: )If you've not already set up eCom Syndicator for eBay, CLICK HERE for the guide.

1. How to List a Multi Variation Item from a supplier with Unique URLs for each Variation - CLICK HERE


2. How to List a Multi Variation Item from a Supplier with Non-Unique URLs for each Variation - CLICK HERE

3. How to Batch List Multi Variation Listings - CLICK HERE