1. Log into Wise Lister at https://list.wiselister.com.
2. Click on My Marketplaces.
3. You should have already obtained your Etsy Marketplace and saved your API keys. On the box for your Etsy Marketplace, click on the link for Settings.
4. At a mininum, you will need to fill out the required fields on this page. They have a red asterisk * by them and are described below.
Quantity - is the default quantity that you want to list with. This can be changed individually per item when listing single items or draft batch items. If not changed or when batch listing, your default quantity from here will be used. Enter your default quantity.
Who Made - Select who makes your items.
When Made - Select when the items were made or select Made to Order.
Is Supply - Select hether or not the items are finished products or are supplies or tools to make other things.
Shipping Template
If you already have a shipping template created on Etsy, you can click Get My Templates.
You will receive a pop up letting you know that it successfully retrieved your shipping templates. Click Close.
Then you will be able to select your Shipping Template from the list and the details of your shipping policy will be loaded.
If you did not already have a shipping template saved on Etsy to select, or you need to create a new one, you can select Create Shipping Template.
Then enter the details for the shipping template that you want. Then click Create.
Be sure to scroll down and select your Destination Country and click Save.
5. Once saved, you'll see a green alert stating that "Settings were successfully saved". Click Switch Marketplace.
6. Select Etsy. Then select the Country you're selling on. Then click Save.
7. Once saved, you'll receive a green alert stating "Country saved successfully." You'll also see that your current marketplace (Etsy) and listing country are selected and that you now have Batch/Quick Lister Settings available for this marketplace (you've already configured them in step 4 above).