1. Log In to Sku Grid.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Marketplaces.
  4. Click Etsy.
  5. Click Add Country.

6. Select your selling country from the list. Then click Save.

7. Your marketplace will be created in Sku Grid.  You will see a red alert stating that your Etsy keys are incorrrect or not set.  Click the Connect button to be redirected to Etsy to get your keys.

8. Enter your login information for Etsy and click Sign In.

9. You will see the terms and conditions.  Click Allow Access to authorize the application.

10. Once authorized, you'll see a green alert in your Sku Grid marketplace settings that states that you've successfully received your keys.

11. Continue filling out the rest of your settings on this page and save settings. Below are some definitions to show what each of these settings mean.

Default Quantity - This is the default quantity that you want to maintain on your Etsy Listings. Please enter a numeric value here. Note: You will have ability to override this value and maintain different quantity levels on individual listings when adding or editing them in the grid.

Update Sold Items to Default Quantity - Select Yes or No here if you want Sku Grid to be able to revise your Etsy listings back up to default quantity after they have sold.

Reprice only if price increased by at least ($) - Enter a numeric value here.  This tells Sku Grid to revise your items if your supplier price changes and your new calculated selling price needs to increase by this amount. For example, most people will put 0.01 here because they want their prices increased if they need to increase by any amount to avoid losses.

Reprice only if price decreased by at least ($) - Enter a numeric value here.  This tells Sku Grid to revise your items if your supplier price changes and your new calculated selling price needs to decrease by this amount. For example, most people will use a higher number here because they are less concerned with decreases and would prefer for their prices not to drop for every litte decrease, only the larger ones.  So someone might put 5.00 here. If you do not want your prices to decrease at all, then put 99999 since your selling price will likely never need to decrease by that much. 

Set price to be rounded to following cents: - If you want your prices rounded, you can select what number to round them to. Otherwise, select Do not round up.

Auto Update Etsy Stock - Select Yes if you want Sku Grid to be able to revise your Etsy stock.  Select No if you do not.

Only put items OOS (don't put them back in stock) - Most people will not want to use this option.  It is to be used if you want Sku Grid to be able to put your items out of stock when the supplier goes out of stock, but you do not want Sku Grid to ever put the items back in stock. If you do not want to use this option, set it to Disable. If you want to use this option, select Yes.

Auto Update Etsy Price - If you want Sku Grid to be able to revise your prices on Etsy, select Yes. If you do not want your prices to be revised, then select No.

Import only products that exist in SG (to synchronize data) - Select Yes here.  This allows Sku Grid to synchronize your data. If an item did not get revised the first time around, it will try again when it synchronizes.

Import new products that do not exist in SG - If you have existing Etsy items that need to be added into Sku Grid or if you are manually listing items to Etsy and need them imported as you go, set this option to Yes so that Sku Grid can automatically import them.  When they are automatically imported into Sku Grid, they will not have a supplier url and will be paused.  You'll need to edit them, add the supplier information, and unpause the items.  If; however, you do not have existing items on Etsy that need to be imported and you're listing with Sku Fetch & Wise Lister, then there is no need to have this option turned on.  Sku Fetch will add the items into Sku Grid for you with their supplier urls.  Set this option to No in that case.

Calculating Ety's Selling Price - See this video on how to set up a default formula.  The video references eBay, but the concepts and formula definitions are the same -->> CLICK HERE 

Additional Formulas That Fire Up Depending on Supplier - See this video on how to use Additional Formulas (these are optional) -->> CLICK HERE

Don't forget to Save Settings one done.