You should already be logged into your Shopify site dashboard before proceeding.

1. Log into your Wise Lister account

2. Click on My Marketplaces.

3. Click Create then click on Shopify.

4. Select the Country you are selling on. Then click Create.

5. You will then see an alert that says You have successfully created a new marketplace and there will be a large box under the Marketplaces tab that says ShopifyClick the API Keys link.

6. You will see an alert that says "Your keys are not set or not correct!"

7. In another tab, log into your Shopify site. Once you're at your dashboard, click on Apps.

8. Click Manage Private Apps.

9. Click Create a new private app.

10. Enter the following fields below:

Private app name: You can just type Wise Lister here.

Emergency Developer Email: Enter your email address here.

Next you will need to grant the application certain permissions.

Store content like articles, blogs, comments, pages and redirects: Select Read and write here.

Products, variants and collections: Select Read and write here.

11. Click Review disabled Admin API permissions. The box will expand and there will be additional API permissions that need to be granted in order for the lister to work.

Product Information: Select Read and write here.

Discounts: Select Read and write here.

Locations: Select Read access here.

Inventory: Select Read and write here.

12. Once you're done configuring the permissions, click Save. You will then see a pop up that says Create a new private app. Read over the terms and click the I understand, create the app button.

13. You will then see a green alert that says "Private app created successfully." Under Admin API will be your API Key and Password. Click the Clipboard button to copy your API Key and click the Show link to display your API password.

14. Go back to your browser tab with Wise Lister opened and enter the following details:

Shopify Store URL: This will be your shopify store url that you use to log into your site.  Do not use your masked domain name here.  Your url should look something like

Shopify API Key: Paste in the Shopify API Key that you generated in step 13 above. Be sure not to paste any extra white space or characters before or after the key.

Shopify Password: Copy and paste your Shopify Password into this field.  Be sure not to paste any extra white space or characters before or after the password.

15. When finished, click Save. You'll receive a green alert letting you know that Your keys are correct and verified!