You should already be logged into your WooCommerce site admin control panel/dashboard before proceeding.
1. Log into your Wise Lister account
2. Click on My Marketplaces. Then click Create.
3. Click on WooCommerce.
4. Click the Country you are selling on. Then click the Create button.
5. You will then see an alert that says You have successfully created a new marketplace and there will be a large box under the Marketplaces tab that says WooCommerce.
6. Click the API Keys link.
7. Enter your WooCommerce Store URL and click the Connect button.
8. You will be redirected to authorize the Wise Lister application in your WooCommerce site. Click the Approve button.
9. Once authorized and you come back to your Wise Lister screen, you will see that your Consumer key and Marketplace Id have been filled in. Click Save.
10. You'll see an alert that states that your Woocommerce API keys successfully saved.
Note: If you do not immediately copy down your API Keys, they won't be visible in your site again. You'd have to go to WooCommerce --> Settings --> REST API and Revoke access and go through the process to get them again.