Q: I noticed that when a sale is made,  the original listing is marked Inactive (Out of Stock) and a new listing is created with the same ASIN, but new listing ID, why?

A: Perhaps it is a conflict in your settings. Be sure to check your sku grid Amazon settings, Please go to sku grid >> settings >> marketplaces >> Amazon >> Select the country you are selling on.

It is possible you have the following settings:

  • Update Items to Default Quantity = Yes
  • Auto Update Amazon Stock = No

If it is the case, you're telling the software to not update your stock, but to also update your items to default quantity -- perhaps since it's not allowed to "revise" stock, it's creating a new entry when it has sold out and per the other setting needs to get updated. 

Be sure to set Auto Update Amazon Stock to Yes and save, now these settings should look like:

  • Update Items to Default Quantity = Yes
  • Auto Update Amazon Stock = Yes

Then try to monitor your next few sales and see if you still have an issue there.  Please let us know.