Q: I uploaded using Batch Fetch and eBay File Exchange have not exported to SKU GRID, what do I need to do to fix this?

A: Many times, especially when batch listing, people have a disruption in their connection between the chrome extension and eBay File Exchange. Some people turn their computers off after submitting batches or close their browser window, or even eBay times them out of eBay File Exchange even though it looks on the surface like you're still logged in.  When there is a disruption in communication between the extension and eBay file exchange, the extension cannot tell (because it did not receive from eBay file exchange) if your items successfully posted or resulted in an error.

If this happens, you'll end up seeing Cancelled ... Enter eBay ID in the status column.  If the items successfully posted, then you can click on Enter eBay ID and put in your eBay item number. Once you put in the item number, the status will change to "Listed" and the items will export to Sku Grid for tracking.

If the items did not post, then you can delete the entry and try the item again.

Note: Please try to maintain your connection to everything. Leave your pc on, browser open, extension running, and remain signed into eBay file exchange. You may need to visit eBay file exchange from time to time and click around on their page just to make sure that your session remains active and they don't time you out.