Q: Why my item shows "cancelled" but it is listed on my eBay?

A: Changing of the status and the item numbers being added onto the item list is automatic and instant if you're listing through API using Sku Fetch + Wise Lister. However, when using Non-API methods such as file exchange, once Sku Fetch & the chrome extension sends the information to eBay File Exchange, eBay does not process file exchange files instantly. eBay take their own time processing the files.  During that time, you'll see the item on your sku fetch item list show pending enter eBay id.  There is nothing to do at this time, please let it continue its process. It just means that it has not received from the chrome extension that the item has actually posted to eBay yet. So you have the choice at that point, to enter the eBay item id, if you already know it or you can wait until it updates on its own. 

Once eBay processes the file, it will take additional time for the chrome extension to receive word back from eBay file exchange that the item(s) have posted. Once it does, it will then update your item list and the status will change from "pending enter eBay id" to Listed or Error. However, if there is some sort of disruption in your connection to sku fetch, eBay file exchange (i.e. eBay times you out of file exchange), and the chrome extension cannot send/receive files due to a disruption in connection (i.e. computer is turned off, the browser is closed, and/or eBay times you out of file exchange), then eventually the items on the item list will time out and show a Cancelled Enter eBay ID status meaning that it cannot tell at this point if the item successfully posted on eBay, so it's allowing you the ability to input the item id if the item did post.

So the recommendation here would be to click around on the file exchange page from time to time to make sure that eBay doesn't time you out, and don't close your browser or shut the PC down, and remain connected to the internet so that your item list can update automatically. And you don't need to do anything with the items that say pending. You should only be concerned if it says cancelled and at that point, if the item did post, you can put in the item number.