Q: What is the best way to reconcile the items between WooHosted, Sku Grid, and eBay?

A: There really isn't an easy way to reconcile items between all 3. There's no way to sync ended items across all 3.

If you want to reconcile in bulk, then you could do the following:

1. Go to your marketplace settings in sku grid and uncheck the option to "Automatically sync all items from this eBay to WooHosted".  Then save settings.

2. End your items on eBay, then delete the items from your Sku Grid account.  (Or if they are already ended, then skip this part).

3. Then go into your woohosted site and go to eBay Sync --> Import Items from eBay and do a clean import of all of your items.  That will delete all entries from woohosted and then pull in the information directly from ebay (the importer there is slower and can time out if you have an extremely large number of items but with less than 500 items you should be fine.

4. Go to your marketplace settings in sku grid and re-check the option to automatically sync items to your woohosted site. Then save settings.

Note: Going forward (if you want to manage the items as you're ending them), the process would be...

1. End the item on eBay

2. Delete the entry from Sku Grid

3. Go into your woohosted site and go to eBay Sync --> Listings and search for the item.  Then send that item to "Archive" -- it can't be deleted from there... but it needs to be sent to archive.

4. Go to "Products" in woohosted, search for the item and delete the product.